We want to reach out and reassure our community members during this difficult time. Our agencies are coordinating with each other to provide you and your family with the highest level of care. We are here for you if you need us. We are ready. We have trained for this, and have experience responding to infectious diseases and all other emergencies. Your financial support for emergency services makes this possible. And, for that, we are extremely grateful. We must continue to do the business of a fire district in addition to responding to emergency calls. These meeting protocols have changed. Please visit our websites to learn how you can participate in our public meetings where we conduct business. Benton County Fire District 1 – www.bentonone.org Benton County Fire District 2 – www.bcfpd2.org Benton County Fire District 4 – www.bcfd4.org Benton County Fire District 5 – Call 1-509- 786-2404 for meeting details. Benton County Fire District 6 – www.bcfd6.com Fra...